Saturday, June 5, 2010

We Can Do It....Theoretically

Real quick post today as work is fairly busy. The ICC10 run on thursday this week ended up being simply phenomenal for us. We had a bit of a rough start with some afk issues and the MT not showing up for the first hour or so (big real life issue that has no bearing in this tale). Anyway, after a bit of off-spec shuffling we were having a pretty solid run to start, and once the MT was on and in everything was like butter. We didn't do first pull in ICC until about 17:40 and yet we cleared everything in time to have a handful of stabs at Sindragosa. Which leads to the title of this post. If we have the full group up and running from the start and actually bang out the weekly raid (instead of the comedy of errors that started this week) I believe we will be able to clear the whole place in our 3 hour cruise in the not too distant future. This probably doesn't seem like a big deal to many folks out there, but believe that it's a big deal to us.

Of course we are talking about regular here. I won't even try to speculate on what we'll do with heroic versions...

later daze~bero

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