Sunday, May 16, 2010

Back In The Saddle

So, been a bit since my last post. The quick and dirty of it is that I joined the ranks of the hacked. It's happened to a number of my guildies in the last few weeks. So of course I ordered an authenticator. The sweet irony of it all is that I was hacked just about 12 hours before the authenticator arrived in the mail. I can't remember a time where I've felt quite as helpless and lost as when I was sitting here at work checking my email to kill a little downtime and I see the back to back messages thanking me for successfully changing my password followed by a 72 hour suspension notice for conduct detrimental to the economy. I knew right away that they got me. Just to be sure though I called up the raid lead and she quickly confirmed that my oldest toon had left the guild that morning and guildies had seen my other toons popping on and off for a bit. I guess the only good news was that they didn't get anything out of the guild bank since the GL was hacked the day before me and was used to clean us out. Anyway, didn't do anything WoW related including the blog for a couple of weeks out of pure frustration with it all. I will say that Blizz was very helpful (once I got through on the phone anyway) and all my stuff is back no problem. Let me say, I didn't realize just how much crap I had stored away until it was all there in the mail.

On a better note, my 10 man now has Dreamwalker down (up?) and I finally got the damn Scourge Lord's Baton to drop on Deathwhisper so that I could make all my planned moves for a major round of upgrades. I can't wait to see what I'm able to do this week with the gear changes, it should be a decent boost. In one fell swoop I replaced my 232 chest and helm with T10, the Baton let me finally drop the 200 shield, got a back upgrade on the run too that bumped me from 219 to 251, and I crafted the 264 legs and boots. I lost a bit of hit, so I switched out the 245 int trinket for the hit (haste) one. That, combined with the new gear having a bunch of gem slots that I didn't have before, allowed me to switch a few things away from hit to sp and haste. In the greater scheme of uber raiders on our server, I'm sure I still seem rather paltry, but I'm more than happy to have over 3k unbuffed sp and now over 900 haste. I may have to redo the gems a bit as my relic stacks haste and the new trinket buffs it too. As it stands my LvB and CL are at a 1.17 cast time. I need to go hit up the dummies and see if I run over the 1 second GCD barrier with everthing up. Anyway, getting a bit crazy here at work again today so I'd best just post this and get going.

later daze~bero

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