Sunday, April 4, 2010

Busy Week

Well it's been a busy week to say the least, and that's not counting Easter (today) since I'm here at work. On a non-WoW note I did my first running 'race' in about 5 years yesterday. It was 10 miles of sloppy trail joy in high winds and occasional snow showers. I loved it. Today hurts though...a lot. It's my own fault for letting the fitness slide for so long so I can't really complain. I do have to thank my wife for supporting me the last couple of months in my training and for letting me have extra WoW time this week to keep my sanity.

As far as playing goes, this week I joined the ranks of the poorly geared and rarely played 80 alts just looking for that one heroic to get some frost emblems. Yes, it's time to work towards that stinking primordial saronite for some crafted goodness. I have to admit that I felt ambivalent about taking a couple of toons into heroics. I was rusty on their playstyle and more than a little trepidacious about people's reaction to low gear score/low dps. Considering all the posts I've read about getting kicked for poor GS/DPS I was pleasantly surprised at how accepting most players were as long as I started off an instance with a quick explanation about knowing that such-and-such toon may look like crap but that I do know the instance well and know my job. I'm just here for the frost for some primordial thank you. Amazing how many responded with no qualms about it, they do it to. I even had one group where all 5 of us admitted to being on alts for the frost. And the crazy thing is we had a blast. It wasn't the usual cakewalk, blah blah blah through a heroic. We had to actually pay attention and work for it. Refreshing to say the least. It's also interesting to see how quickly I've been able to gear up a couple of toons. My DK and priest have been getting all kinds of love on drops. No joy for the pally though. Ah well.

Yesterday was also fun because I got to do 25 ICC with the guild. Normally I work every Saturday and Sunday when the guild does 25 man content. But with a vacation day for my race yesterday I was able to get in and experience the pain of getting 25 people on the same page. The fights don't seem any different than 10 man, with the exception of a couple of boss abilities maybe, and certainly not any harder. However, getting everyone to do even remotely what was expected of them was worse than getting my 3 year old to eat even some of his veggies. We cleared to Festergut in a rambling, inefficient, stressful way. Then we took a few shots at him. I can't believe how hard it was (on Fester and Saurfang) to get across the idea of keeping range between toons. Such a simple concept, especially on Saurfang. Stand here. Don't move. You really don't need to. But no, we had to have at least a handful of people running around like my flame shock set their socks on fire, healing him up. And on Festergut it really boiled down to just not having the neccessary dps to make it work. We went over and took a few tries at Rotface so people could see the fight mechanics. That went better although some people still couldn't get the concept of staying out of his puke.

All in all, a good week of warcrafting. It was refreshing to be playing various toons with more frequency, particularly dusting off the disc priest. And hey, I almost had enough offspec drops on my DK to give tanking a shot. Maybe next week...

Later Daze~ Bero

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