Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wonderful Fun

Since I'm still very new to this blogging thing I'm going to just jump into something today. A bit about raiding and me maybe. The background is that I'm a very casual raider mostly due to time constraints. I would raid more if I could, but as it stands I'm currently on one of my guild's 10 man teams only on Thursday night from 7-10pm server time (5-8pm my time). My guild actually runs three 10 man teams and 'my' team,Team Demise, runs Monday and Thursday. As I stated, I only run on Thursday and another of the guildies runs only Monday. Obviously my current raiding experience is quite limited, especially when compared with almost every blogger out there that I follow. That being said, I still have a great time with what I'm able to do and I hope the relative noobness can be forgiven.

So the run last week was hands down one of the smoothest I've been a part of in a long time. Of course it helped that the weekly raid was for Marrowgar so we didn't have to burn a bit of time at the start slipping into Naxx/Ulduar/whatever for a few minutes. Team Demise usually has a bit of a lapse in attention or what have you early in the raid every week, but this week was different. Quick clear of the trash up to Marrowgar and just blew through him. Then a little playfulness with no dire repercussions before bombing through Lady Deathwhisper. Quick jaunt up to the Gunship and bang right through to Saurfang. By this time there's been a couple of whispers between myself and the MT/guildleader (my best friend) and his wife (the RL). We're all quite amazed that things are going this smoothly. Anyway, Saurfang goes down no problem and it's on to Festergut, who has given us problems of late. Well, not this week. Just a quick 'Hi, howdy, thanks for playing' and we're across the way to Rotface.

Now I had personally never seen Rotface downed. I missed last week's raid due to a sick wife and child when Team Demise had their first kill on him/it/whatever. Well, first hiccup. We wiped a couple of times, once due to some stange happenings where the large goo exploded and the little baddie bits that usually just getted dodged decided to track some of us through the air rather than following their normal leisurely ballistic paths. The second wipe was due to a poorly timed d/c by the OT. Third time around went smooth like butter and Yahtzee! My first Rotface kill. Excitement abounded all about my computer. So, a quick bio and moment for a couple of teammates to do some child tuckins and such, then on to Professor Putricide.

Putricide. Yeah. That was fun... Actually I really do love figuring out new content. We spent about an hour wiping on him. Seems to me there is going to have to be a lot of coordination on that fight. Not that there aren't plenty of others that require coordination. We did get him to phase 2 a couple of times anyway. Hopefully Monday will see more progress on him. It will be easier for the team to focus when they get to start on him fresh. It's hard to be at your best when you're just learning a fight at the end of a raid night, even if the rest of the run went so well. Anyway, guess I'll post this and go check up on some other WoW blogs with far more constructive things to say.

Later Daze~ Bero

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